The Maui Zendo is a lay Zen Buddhist sangha in the Diamond Sangha tradition—an independent lineage founded in Honolulu by Robert Aitken Roshi, a dharma heir in the Harada-Yasutani-Yamada lineage. In style and practice the Maui Zendo has roots in both Rinzai and Soto schools of Zen.
The Diamond Sangha, especially through the teaching of Aitken Roshi and his successors, places a strong emphasis on Zen practice in everyday life. Our practice is taken into relationships, work, families and all ordinary aspects of life.
You are welcome to practice with us. We have weekly group zazen, monthly zazenkai (all day meditation) and sesshin (meditation retreats) throughout the year.
For more information contact us online at: mauizendo@gmail.com.

"To Study the Buddha Way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be actualized by all things."
Genjo Koan written by Zen Master Dogen Zenji
Maui Zendo, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) corporation. Contributions are tax deductible.
To donate by check, please make check payable to Maui Zendo and mail to:
Maui Zendo
PO Box 791354
Paia, HI 96779
To donate via paypal, click here: