April 2012 Maui Zendo Sesshin

Dear Sangha Friends.

The Maui Zendo 2012 Sesshin with Michael Kieran will be held from Friday, April 27, 2012 to Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at the Paia Rinzai Zen Mission on Baldwin Beach.
Please bring a brown bag supper for Friday, April 27.
Check in will be held between 4:00 pm and 4:30 pm. We will eat together at 5:00 pm. A work meeting will follow at 5:45 p.m. Orientation and Sesshin cautions will then follow at 7:00 p.m. Attendance at the orientation meeting is mandatory for all participants, even for part timers in order to be familiar with all the workings of the Sesshin.
The Sesshin closing ceremony will end at about noon on Wednesday. We will then have tea, eat lunch and clean and pack up. We will leave the property no later than 3 P.M. Please make your off-island reservation departures no earlier than 5:00 p.m.
The cost of the Sesshin for full time participants is $275. If you plan to attend part time, the fee is $16 per block.
You need to supply your own bedding to sleep in the temple or on the temple grounds. If you do not want to sleep in the temple or in a shaded outdoor area under the temple you can opt to camp in your tent near the temple. You must also bring your own towel and items for personal hygiene.
We look forward to your participation and ask that you sign up no later than April 15 to help the planners with their jobs as there will be much to do. We ask for your Kokua.
If you have any questions, please contact Joni Jackson, Sesshin Coordinator.
Tel: 808-283-9226
Email: jonicj@gmail.com