Schedule change

Aloha all,

The Rinzai Zen Mission will be used by another group from 2/26 until 3/10 so we will be unable to practice there until March 12. We are presently looking for another option for our week day sits and Pam is checking around to find a place to hold 3/10 Zazenkai.
Ideas are appreciated!

We will finish this week with sitting tonight and on Thursday night then will resume sitting at RZM on 3/12. In the meantime, if we have any updates on locations we will send them via email.


Thursday sitting

Apologies to those who sit on Thursdays. There were some communication issues but we have resolved them and there will be sitting this Thursday. We sit on Mondays and Wednesdays as well.

While we are all here… save the date for 3/10. It is our next zazenaki and we will get back to everyone about the location.


Speaker on Wednesday

Aloha all,

Andy Ferguson, author of “Zen’s Chinese Heritage: The Masters and Their Teachings” will give a talk on Bodhidharma at Rinzai Zen Mission on Wednesday, February 8 at 5:30 pm. We will sit a period beginning at 5 pm. His talk runs about an hour.

Hope to see you there!



We have Zazenkai on 2/11 from 9 am to 4 pm. Please let Pam know if you plan to attend–contact The fee is $20 along with any dana you wish to offer to Michael and donation to the temple for housing us.

Hope to see you there


Hello all,

Just received the Rinzai Zen Mission newsletter and want to let you know about some upcoming events there (and if anyone wants a copy of the letter, let me know and I will send it).  First, the next monthly temple cleaning will be “comprehensive” and it will be on Saturday, December 18 at 8 am.  Secondly, Rev. Yamaguchi will be holding Rohatsu from December 1 to December 7.  Each evening there will be zazen from 6 pm to 8 pm.  And finally, on December 31 at 11:30 pm there will be Joya No Kane (ringing of the big bell).

Next year’s Maui Zendo schedule is in its final stages and will be announced and posted on the website shortly.
